mConnect is part of a redesigned transit system that will make it easier for people to connect to destinations across the city.
Project History
In 2014,
a study called the Midtown Alternatives Analysis examined high-capacity transit solutions for the Memphis urban core.
Bus Rapid Transit was adopted as the preferred transit solution for the Memphis Innovation Corridor in
by the Memphis Area Transit Authority Board of Commissioners and in
by the Memphis Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Board.
In 2017 and 2018,
over 7,700 Memphians contributed to the Memphis 3.0 Transit Vision Plan. When implemented will provide:
- 39% more jobs reachable in an hour
- Improved weekend service
- More buses arriving more often
The feedback on the Transit Vision Plan reinforced the importance of remaking transit in Memphis. The city needs reliable, high-frequency service to thrive in the long term.
In 2019,
the Memphis Area Transit Authority began to design the Memphis Innovation Corridor.
In November, 2019, the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded a $12 million BUILD Grant to the City of Memphis to use in the design and construction of the new Bus Rapid Transit system.
Why BRT?
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems like mConnect include special features that distinguish them from traditional bus routes.
More Frequent
Our BRT vehicles will arrive every 10 minutes during peak travel times. With that kind of frequency, riders won't have to keep a careful eye on the time. They can simply show up at a station and know their ride will be there soon.
More Reliable
The design of the Memphis Innovation Corridor will help keep mConnect buses on schedule. Dedicated, bus-only lanes on segments of B.B. King Boulevard and Second Street and transit signal priority along Union Avenue will help provide reliable service. Mobile ticketing and off-board fare collection will minimize the amount of time it takes to board the BRT vehicles so less boarding time is spent at the stations.
mConnect will improve transit outside of the project area, too. Its connections with 18 other bus routes will improve transit service for the entire MATA service area, resulting in access to 39 percent more jobs within one hour of travel.
More Comfortable
From vehicles to transit stations, mConnect will be designed for a more comfortable experience. For example, the system’s quiet and ecofriendly all-electric vehicles and the BRT stations will be equipped with WiFi. Sheltered BRT stations will offer improved security with CCTV cameras covering the entire station. Level boarding means no more climbing stairs and a better experience for people who use wheelchairs or push strollers.
What's Next?
Since 2019, we’ve been applying for funding from the Federal Transit Administration. In 2021, we added improvements to Union Avenue. We also launched a planning process for transit-oriented development along the corridor, which included a series of public meetings to gather input from community members.
This year, we are moving forward with the design process. In the coming months, you will see crews in the corridor taking measurements to inform the design. If you're a property or business owner along the corridor, you may also hear from us about any potential impacts to your property. Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in Fall 2024 with the new service beginning in Spring 2027.
Project Timeline*
- Environmental Clearance and Preliminary Engineering - May 2019 to February 2021
- BUILD Grant Award Notification - November 2019
- Final Design - May 2020 to March 2022
- Environmental Document Approved - February 2021
- Small Starts Grant Notification - January 2022
- Begin Right-of-Way Appraisals - July 2022
- BUILD Grant Agreement - September 2022
- Construction - 2022 - 2027
- Begin mConnect Serivce - Spring 2027
*Project schedule is subject to change